How to Build Up Your Internet Reputation

In today’s fast-paced world, when practically anyone and everyone has a profile on the World Wide Web, whether personal or professional, it is important that whatever content we put up reflects positively about us. It directly affects what and how people think of us.
This is especially true of businesses. The Internet is probably the biggest tool for advertising your wares. Word-of-mouth is how your reputation will spread on the Net. So how you market yourself on the Internet, and how happy your customers are, are a few things you need to be very careful about. A satisfied customer might post a positive review online which can boost business, but at the same an unsatisfied customer(s) can ruin your reputation in no time by posting unfavorable reviews. To prevent this from happening, a lot of major corporations manage and safeguard their online reputation by taking help from reputation management companies. But what steps would you take yourself to keep your reputation from getting tarnished, especially if you own a small business, or have a personal profile or a blog?

Creating Your Own Personal Brand
If you are a job seeker and planning to post your résumé online, then it’s very important that your résumé creates a positive impression about you. If you have a social networking profile or a blog, make sure it contains only good content about you. A prospective employer might just run a search for you and get influenced by what your profiles have to say about you. As they say, first impression is the last impression. In a blog, never ever lie about yourself or anything that you have written. Offer only useful content. Providing valuable and thought-provoking insights and high quality material will not only help in establishing you as an expert in your field, but fetch you better results and push your rankings up in search engine results. At the same time, keep in mind you don’t divulge too much personal information about yourself.

If you own a business, just make sure your website contains all the information it can about your products and services. Incomplete information will leave a prospective client unhappy and he may leave the website and hunt elsewhere. Highlight all the positive reviews about your products by providing links to them. If you have received testimonials, provide links to them. Starting a blog will help you interact more with your customers, and your business can profit if you get constructive feedback from them. Be sure to create a page for your business on all social networking sites. Attract readers to your website once it is established by asking friends and partners to provide links to your content on their own blogs or sites. This often serves to increase the number of people visiting your page, and is a great tool to increase the prospects of landing a good job and/or promoting your business.

How you design your website also has an effect on your online reputation. If you are an expert at HTML, you can have a snazzy website which will attract readers. Otherwise, keep it simple by not crowding it with too much content, pop-ups, and advertisements. These can be a major turnoff and drive readers away.

Check and Respond to What Others are Saying
Keep a tab on your reputation by constantly monitoring it. Every day, make it a point to check who all have posted reviews about your services, whether good or bad. If you find a negative review, try to get in touch with the people who posted it. One way out is to take the criticism good-naturedly, apologize to the customer, and tell him that you will do your best to rectify matters. The way you handle complaints is going to affect your business, so handle it such that the customer is satisfied and not disgruntled anymore. Trying to justify your services might backfire, so whatever you choose to do, do it carefully. At the same time, if a customer posted positive comments, thank him for it, and make it look sincere. Do this monitoring activity on a regular day-to-day basis, so you can take care of all negative comments before they begin to tarnish your online reputation.

Build Contacts with People with Similar Interests
This is extremely important as well. If you do not build and maintain contact with people who have the same professional interests, you could be losing out on a huge load of customers. You can share a great deal of information online with people who are into a similar business as yours. Cross-referencing and joining forces with your business partners or other professionals in the same field will ultimately lead to an increase in traffic on your website.

Having a reputable web presence is highly important nowadays. It helps in increasing your brand awareness, and targets the right audience. Relevant content will improve the flow of customers to your site, helping you to establish long-term relationships with customers, and ultimately improve sales. Building an online reputation takes time, and once you build it, managing it is also equally important, and when you do that, both your customers and rivals will look up to you.

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Tips to Increase Website Traffic

Hardly any traffic on your website? Here are few tips you can incorporate to generate more traffic for your website. The tips given in the following article will help you out.

This is one place where you would never ever mind traffic! Otherwise, I am sure most of us indulge in a liberal use of swear words and those ‘friendly abuses’ whenever it is about road traffic. But this traffic you are never going to regret. On the contrary, it is welcome! The thing I am talking about is website traffic! I am sure all of those who own a website or a webpage, are looking to increase their traffic. This article will help you out by giving you a few tips for the same, which can come in real handy. Increasing your web traffic depends on a lot of factors, from the website content to the way back-linking is done, links with social networking web sites and so on.

Ways to Generate Traffic for Websites

Tip #1
Getting those keywords in place is what is really crucial for a website to pull in as much traffic as it can. To that purpose you need to optimize your site through search engine optimization. It means you search about what is being researched on the Internet. Based on that search, have content on your website. That really helps in adding traffic to the website. This is perhaps the most basic thing to do to increase the traffic, and will lead to website promotion.

Tip #2
One really effective tip to increase traffic on your website, is to put RSS feeds on your website. RSS feeds help people interact with the website. What it does is it provides summaries of web content in a simple format, available through an RSS feed reader, mainly or may be with the help of some browsers. It will tell the visitors about what is new on the website without them having to actually visit the website.

Tip #3
What are social networking sites for? To make contacts, share things, advertize, and publicize! So make use of them to share your website through either Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon or the likes to increase web traffic on your site. Social networking sites give you a great opportunity to reach out to a large number of people. You would obviously need to target the popular topics and also follow and get in touch with those who are dealing with the same topics.

Tip #4
Getting your website listed in all the major web directories is another way to increase traffic flow to your website. Tips related to this one include that you submit your website to all the major web directories. Traffic is generated to a particular website straight from the directories. This enhances the traffic and popularity of the website. This is one of the best ways when it comes to generating web traffic.

Tip #5
Think about how long would the visitors settle on your website, rather than how many. That indirectly means working on areas which will make people do that. It could be interesting videos, articles, interactive games and so on.

Tip #6
As mentioned earlier, creating links with other sites and people with related websites or complimentary websites, can prove to be really effective. Okay, the results might not be Schumacher style fast, but slowly and steadily it can work when the traffic on the websites linked on yours, increases. Hopefully, they would also return the favor by linking your site. Consider this one amongst different, yet sometimes effective, website promotion ideas.

Tip #7
An online contest is another way to increase traffic flow. Tips in this regard involve essay contest, short essays, quizzes and stuff. The winners get a simple gift card, and these can be announced and declared on the social networking sites, to obtain maximum web traffic. Once it is on a social networking site, then there is no stopping the traffic to your website.

A few other tips include, getting connected with all those websites, links, blogs, discussion boards and chat rooms which are related to your topic and niche. Also check out the top visited websites. You can also write an article on an Internet article directory and give a link of your website after the article.

See? It is not very difficult to increase the traffic flow to your website, is it? Tips which have been mentioned earlier can be followed with discretion and patience! You can come up with your own ideas by thinking of what you as a ‘netizen’ want in a website! Here is where I log out and leave you to implement these tips!

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Difference Between CV and Resume

You enter the real world, when you actually begin your job hunt. You are finally ready to apply what you have learned and stand on your own feet.
One of the most essential documents that will be demanded by any employer or placement agency is a resume or sometimes a CV. If you are under the impression that a CV and a resume are the same thing, you have been certainly misinformed.

Creation of a resume or CV is an essential skill that you need to learn. It is the most important part of your job application. To do that, you must firstly be aware of what is a resume and what is a CV. That way, you will know what to include when a resume or CV is demanded from you.

How are CV and Resume Different?

So how exactly is a resume different from a CV? While both server the function of introducing a person, there are many differences. Let us see why these two words are not synonyms and stand for two different type of documents.


While a resume is used when applying for a job in any sector, a CV (Curriculum Vitae) is mostly needed when applying for any position in a research and academic field, including a research position or a teaching position. Let us continue this curriculum vitae vs resume comparison further.


The difference between CV and resume is obviously related to content. While both will have the basic personal details of an individual like name, age, sex, address and educational qualifications, the rest of the things specified may vary. A resume will contain educational qualifications and job experience details along with personal goals and information about your skill set.

A CV on the other hand, being written for an academic position will include information about research work, research papers if any, details of workshops and conferences attended or conducted, awards and medals if any, along with a synopsis of doctoral thesis even. All this could be a part of a CV.


Considering that the number of details included in a CV or a resume vary, the length in both cases is different. While a resume may be restricted to one or two pages at the most, a CV can be more than 2 pages and can extend up to ten pages and beyond. Making a resume is easier, compared to a CV, which is a review of your work, presented in excruciating details.

The difference lies in the kind of personal details included in these documents. To sum it all up, while a resume is a short introduction or summary of your personal details, a Curriculum Vitae or CV is a much more lengthy and detailed account of your personal details and achievements. I suggest that you write a resume, as well as a CV and keep them ready for use. Don’t be casual about creating your CV or resume as it makes the first impression in the mind of a recruiter. Let them be thorough and to the point. Resume writing is a skill that you must master. That will ensure that the first impression is not the last one about you!

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Top 10 Secrets To Working From Home

Whether you’re considering starting work from home for the first time, or looking to hone your productivity and motivation for an ongoing home business, actually thinking about the way you organize and arrange your day and daily tasks can be a powerful secret for keeping working from home a viable and rewarding job option.

Setting Up Your Work Space

The act of dividing work from home is important: it’s difficult to maintain productivity and motivation when your place to relax and be with your family is also your work environment. Designate yourself a work area to suit your job, that during your working day, is only used for that activity. When the day is over, clear the space so you’re not tempted to put in gratuitous overtime…


Your Work Contacts

Friends and family can find it very hard to understand that working from home is a ‘real job’. Separate your methods of contact: have a work phone and email that you only give to colleagues and clients, or screen calls constantly. Resist the temptation to have a personal phone switched on, your personal email open or social networking pages accessible: use these activities as ‘rewards’ for meeting a minor goal or when on a planned break.


Your Schedule

Working from home is about self-motivation and organization, which means developing clear strategies for keeping yourself engaged and active during your working day, and away from distractions. Take some time planning how your day will run and how you will manage your time.


 Managing Your Time Your Goals

Make daily and weekly ‘to do’ lists: keep changing and updating your format until it works for you. On paper or on the computer, using check boxes or crossing out achievements, setting up priority sections and hourly deadlines or task schedules, separating work goals from personal ones and big tasks from small ones: give yourself achievable goals to aim for, and plan little rewards for meeting them (a lunch date Friday, five minutes more for coffee time, knocking off a bit earlier).

Your Hours

Be strict in maintaining designated working hours: as your own boss, you need to make sure your employee is not starting late or finishing early because then they’re not doing what you pay them for. Decide the daily hours to work and stick to them for maximum productivity, but also because you need clear non-work time. It can be hard to leave work physically when you can’t do it geographically, but you need leisure and home-time that is not connected to working hours.


Your Routine

Self-employment is sustained by ritual – developing a unique work routine that functions specifically for you. Get into habits, devise systems of doing things, and enjoy the security of routine and repetition. Maintaining structure and work schedule will allow you to continue working successfully from home in the long-term.


Sustaining Your Productivity Starting the Day

Just as if you were going off to work, complete home and personal tasks before your working day begins, whether it’s checking home email, getting the kids off to school, or hanging the washing. People focus and unwind on their way to work: give yourself a transition time to do the same. Relax with a coffee for half an hour before beginning, and use the time to also update your ‘to do’ list, get your head into work mode, and carefully plan out your day.


Taking Breaks

If you’re on a productive roll, you need not stop at scheduled times for breaks, but make sure you enforce a time limit when you do take them. Eat, rejuvenate, maybe do a household task, make a personal phone call or run an errand, just as you would if you were at work – but be back ready to start again when your self-imposed time limit is up.


Getting Out of the House

There is a serious danger in getting cabin fever or becoming reclusive when working from home. You either need to get out desperately and then don’t want to return, or get so ensconced in your little work/home cocoon that you forget to break out at all. Make outside tasks regular occurrences and use them as rewards: a walk to the post office, a trip to the store or a café coffee break can still be a work-related activity while getting you some exercise, fresh air, human contact and a change of scene.

Adapting and Evolving

As your own boss, you are creating own your daily business schedule that works for you. Change and experiment with different spaces, systems and schemes constantly to keep improving your working life and output. No-one can work effectively and efficiently in exactly the same way, but usually the job dictates the method and means. When you’re self-employed and working from home, understanding you have the freedom and the responsibility to develop the most effective and efficient method for yourself will the hardest and the most satisfying thing about your working day.


Keep at it: people who don’t do it think that working at home is easy, but separating work from personal, leisure from labour, and productivity and motivation from procrastination is always difficult. However, the benefits of control over your environment, time and methodology are a significant pay-off.

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SEO Bangla Book

আপনাদের জন্য নিয়ে এলাম ৪৫০ টাকার ‍ SEO শেখার বাংলা বই একদম ফ্রি। ডাউনলোড করার জন্য এখানে গুতান

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Holiday List (Bangladesh) Year 2013

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Creative Resume Design

Creative Resume Design For Web Developer/Designer/IT Person.

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25 Creative and Inspiring Animal Themed Print Advertisements for your inspiration

25 Creative and Inspiring Animal Themed Print Advertisements for your inspiration
Advertising is one of the primary markets for graphic designers. Companies around the world rely on the talented and creative minds of designers to create visually impactful and memorable product advertisements. Advertising differs from other forms of design, as you often have to incorporate a

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